AKC Trick Dog Titles Offered at Valor K9 Academy
The American Kennel Club (AKC) has a new Trick Dog program! This program is for dogs that are AKC registered, enlisted with the AKC PAL program or signed up with the AKC Canine Partners. Titling is available to both purebred and mixed breed dogs. This is a chance for dogs and handlers of all ages and abilities to show off their training skills and earn titles for their hard work! AKC offers the following Trick Dog titles: Novice (TKN), Intermediate (TKI), Advanced (TKA) and Trick Dog Performer (TKP). Novice through Advanced titles may be earned by performing tricks for an AKC approved Canine Good Citizen (CGC) evaluator. For Trick Dog Performer, you must film your dog’s tricks and submit the video to AKC for approval.
If your dog has the CGC title on record, s/he must perform five tricks to earn the Novice title. Intermediate requires 10 tricks, and Advanced requires five tricks. Food and toys may be used as training aids at only the novice level. The required tricks checklist for each level can be found on the AKC’s website (click here).
If you’re interested in getting started, check out our free tricks training videos on YouTube:
How to teach your dog to Rollover (click here)
How to teach your dog to Weave (click here)
How to teach your dog to Play Dead (click here)
How to teach your dog to Wave (click here)
Head Trainer Amy Pishner at VK9-Spokane and Head Trainer Dana O’Lone Long at VK9-Chattanooga are both AKC approved CGC evaluators. We’d be more than happy to help you teach your dog new tricks and/or test your dog for Nov-Adv Trick Dog titles. Training and titling opportunities are currently available in Private Lesson Training. Stay tuned for VK9 announcements about future Trick Dog Classes and workshop opportunities
Featured photo: Rescued pit bull Kali performing her favorite trick: Rollover!