ethical k9 German shepherd breeders

Ethical German Shepherd Breeders

“Take this trouble for me: Make sure my shepherd dog remains a working dog, for I have struggled all my life long for that aim.” -Max von Stephanitz, father of the German Shepherd Dog

Below is a list of reputable German Shepherd breeders. Each of these breeders strives to produce sound and stable German Shepherd puppies with good drives, good health and orthopedics, great temperaments and strong pedigrees. They are extremely cautious when choosing their breeding stock and only want the best dogs in their programs. These breeders carefully screen all of their puppy buyers and are happy to answer any questions you have. They all do health testing and the majority of these breeders title their dogs in various dog sports.

2021 update: I’ve since reconsidered my stance on showline breeders and to be honest, I feel they’re watering down the breed. Showline dogs usually have good temperaments, but they lack working abilities which is a core reason the breed was created. And I can’t get behind the roachback they’re promoting via the show ring. It affects the dog’s mobility. This list includes only working line breeders. I feel they do a good job overall maintaining the breed standard of a straight back and moderate to high drive dogs.

The following is our list of recommended breeders, in no particular order, based on personal experience and/or recommendations by other breeders and trainers. If you click the breeder’s name, it’ll take you to their website. We update this list regularly.

  1. Bauernhof Shepherds (Kansas)
  2. Vom Amwolf German Shepherds (Ilinois)
  3. Sentinel Harts German Shepherds (California)
  4. Feuergarten German Shepherds (Tennessee)
  5. Von Risden Haus German Shepherds (Kentucky)
  6. Lytle’s K-9’s German Shepherds (Alaska)
  7. Quellwasser German Shepherds (Indiana)
  8. Canine Concepts (Alabama)
  9. Kavallerie Shepherds (Vermont)
  10. Weberhaus (Kansas)
  11. Fieldshaus German Shepherds
  12. De Lupus Saevus (USA)
  13. Floyd Haus (New Jersey)
  14. Wendelin Kennel (Canada)
  15. Altavater German Shepherds (Georgia)
  16. Vom Blutfeuer German Shepherds (Alabama)

Keep in mind, it’s okay to ship well-bred German Shepherd puppies so don’t scratch a breeder off your list simply because they are not close to you. Confident puppies who are not currently experiencing a fear period handle flights just fine. They come out of their crates happy and ready to work.

When you get your puppy, training needs to begin right away: day one. Don’t wait! Your puppy is a clean slate. Don’t mess him up!

If you’d like to work with a professional, Valor K9 Academy’s team of professional, certified trainers are happy to help. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation.

-Amy Pishner