rabies shot

health dogs are spoiled dogs
Healthy dogs are spoiled dogs
This article is written by Valor K9 Academy - Boise Trainer, Samantha Lee.  Canine diet...
5 small ways to build a better bond with your dog
One of the questions we get asked a lot is, how do I build a...
therapy dog training
In Memory of Odie: What you don’t know about the Rabies K9 Vaccine
[This article below is written by Gayle Wyche, a longtime client of ours from Spokane,...
Rottweiler puppy leash training
Puppy Training Expectations: what’s realistic and what’s not
 One of my favorite programs is also one of the most thankless services we offer....
What you need to know about dog vaccinations
Vaccinations play an important part in keeping your pet healthy and living a long, full...
puppy training no jumping
What is the best age to start puppy training?
The best age to start training is when a puppy is eight weeks old. Puppies...
German shepherd dog behavior training
Questions to ask before hiring a dog trainer
Hiring a dog trainer involves more than a simple Google search. Dog trainers are a...
ethical k9 German shepherd breeders
Ethical German Shepherd Breeders
"Take this trouble for me: Make sure my shepherd dog remains a working dog, for...
German Shepherd K9
What to do if your dog gets attacked
One of our clients' dogs just got attacked by a loose dog in the neighborhood...
Dog boarding
Frequently Asked Questions: Board & Train
We get a lot of questions about our board & train program. We love that...